CPA in Venice, North East Italy
Canal & Serraglia is a firm of English-speaking Certified Public Accountants (CPA) in Italy, Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors based near Venice, north east Italy.
All companies, from start-ups to established corporations, need insightful financial information in order to evaluate strategies and maximise profitability. Our extensive range of services includes the following:
- preparation and deposit of annual financial statement
- preparation of monthly trial balance
- preparation of budgets and business plans
- monthly and quarterly payment obligations
- tax calculation
- keeping of the company books (shareholders’ register and meeting book, Board of Directors’ meeting book, register of bonds)
- accounting system setup
- cash flow budgeting
- individual financial statements
Our certified public accountants also:
- perform audits in order to be assured whether the financial statements are free from misstatements
- arrange the flow of documents
- prepare cash flow, revenue and expenses
- provide reports and financial analysis
Canal & Serraglia (CPA in Italy) supports its International clients in evaluating the tax treaties between Italy and other countries in the world in order to avoid double taxation. It’s very important to work with certified public accountants in Italy for full assistance and representation.
Financial Accounting is one of the key of International Economy. It is a codified set of accounting standards that all professional accountants must apply. There are two main sets of accounting principles: The GAAP (General Accepted Accounting Principles) adopted in the U.S., and the IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards) used worldwide by most other countries. And of course there are a lot of other national accounting principle used in different countries: the EU has its own format. Using accounting standards allows regulator, tax authorities and investors to evaluate the company financial records on a consistent basis.
Italian Accounting rules are governed by a legal framework, the Italian Civil Code, that contains requirements about contents, analysis and classification of items included in the statutory financial statements.
The authority overseeing over accounting standards is the Organismo Italiano di Contabilità (OIC). In 2014 have been issued new accounting principles closer to IFRS, although there are still some differences remaining. IFRS are mandatory for corporations issuing widely distributed financial instruments and securities as well for listed companies, but usually not required for other privately owned companies.
Canal & Serraglia, Certified Public Accountants in Italy. CPA in Venice north east Italy