Advisors in Venice, North East Italy
Canal & Serraglia, a business advisors firm in Italy near Venice, has developed extensive skills in business negotiation in Italy between International investors, buyers and corporations and Italian companies, offering the following services about negotiation to its international clients: consulting, training, facilitation, representation, deal preparation, mediation of disputes.
Understanding negotiations in Italy needs a deep knowledge of Italian culture. Canal & Serraglia operates mainly in the North East area of Italy, in three regions (Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia and Trentino Alto Adige) that in term of efficiency and GDP match those of the top European areas. The strategic location of this area and its history have brought a more internationally oriented business approach, even though some cultural aspects are still very important.
Italian culture is rather slow-paced. Sometimes negotiation can be quite slow, since many Italian companies are still family owned and Italians tend to evaluate carefully risks and advantages, and a sense of heritage is very strong. Often in negotiations there are many people involved, each one with a specific role in the business process. These aspects can slow down the process and a local advisor, who knows the Italian dealing process, can help the negotiation running as fast and smoothly as possible.
Generally speaking, Italians prefer to establish direct relationship before talking about business. This is needed to establish a climate of trust and respect, and it is as important as the following exchange of information about the deal Sense of urgency is not regarded positively, and verbal commitment is very important. When the agreement has been reached, is very unlikely that your Italian partner will change his mind.
Business meetings are sometimes not only decision-oriented, but an analysis-oriented way to get a common sharing and understanding. Hence the aim of first contact and meeting is mainly to establish a positive climate between all properties involved.
Sometimes several trips and meetings are necessary to close the deal: any meeting is considered by Italians as an important step to build trust and relationship, and even if people coming from fast-paced cultures feel it like a waste of time, this is not the case.
Italian tend to expect long-term commitments to their business partners, aiming to win-win solutions. That’s why business proposals should present the benefits to all parties involved in the negotiation: attempts to gain a competitive advantage are considered negatively. Moreover, Italian’s casual attitude does not see favourably the introduction of strict rules to be followed during the negotiation.
If a dispute or conflict arises at any negotiation stage, a good personal relationship helps in overcoming most problems. That’s why it is very important to get the support of an experienced Italian advisor in negotiations.
Since judicial times in order to enforce a contract or resolving a dispute can be long and frustrating, in Italy is often a good idea trying to settle litigations in other ways.
Arbitration is an ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) system where the parties present their positions to a third party arbitrator or a panel of arbitrators. The latter determine the solution of the case. Less expensive, more accessible and faster than a procedure in Court, arbitration has some disadvantages; for instance, the parties cannot participate directly in the process. The arbitration has the same value of an ordinary judicial judgement, assuming that the parties formally register this private decision with the Italian Court of Appeal.
Mediation is another ADR method where an independent third party, called mediator, gets involved in order to help parties in reaching a satisfactory agreement. The mediator assists the parties in communicating their interests and priorities to each other. As opposed to Arbitration, mediation is a voluntary and non-binding process: A mediator is an impartial person who uses specialised communication techniques to reach the goal of settling the dispute.
Conciliation is a dispute resolution method involving a judgement court. The judge encourage parties in settling the conflict with the help of a Conciliator, an impartial professional that, like the Mediator, assists the parties in reaching a satisfactory agreement.
If you have need of expert advisors in business negotiation in Italy, please contact us.
Canal & Serraglia Business Negotiation Advisors in Italy. Advisors in Venice north east.